Thursday, March 4, 2010

The junior geeks have taken over the Iasi office on Job Shadow Day

Following last year's tradition, the XWiki geeks have welcomed the students at the Computer Science High School at the Iasi office on Job Shadow Day. The event allows high school students in their final years to spend a few hours at a "serious" company and get acquainted with the daily responsibilities of the employees.
Caty welcomed them and did the warm-up session, then Silvia showed some insight about our marketing strategy. As a former student myself, I was more then happy to talk about my daily responsibilities as a web developer at XWiki. Marius gave them some feedback about his first week at the Iasi office, Miruna shared some "tricky" interview questions and Anca proved that fixing a bug is not as hard as it looks.
The Wii tennis session was organized, the geek jokes were made fun of and the XWiki goodies were exchanged. I hope the junior geeks had just as much fun as we did and we will be expecting them next year for some more geek talk.